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Apply for Membership
Indiana Naturists is a private nudist travel club. We are a proactive community of like minded nudists. We don't own property. We are the only non-landed club in Indiana affiliated with the American Association for Nude Recreation Midwest Region and The Naturist Society Foundation.
Although we are based in Indiana our members come from Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, and Michigan too. We gather to enjoy wholesome nude recreation and to make friends. Anyone of good moral character is welcome to Apply For Membership.
We are not an "online only" type of group. We are a real life group that uses our website, message boards, and calendars to stay in touch, organize and promote our group activities, and to help promote wholesome nude recreation in general.
Some of the many activities we enjoy together are:
* Monthly member hosted gatherings
* Skinny dips
* Nude Bowling
* Hot tub parties
* Group resort trips
* Fund Raisers
* Bonfires
* Camping trips
* Game Nights
* Pot luck dinners
* Nude Volleyball
* and other special events...